"I'd be lucky to stagger down to the horses and then I'd sit around all day. Now I'm out on 5km walks everyday." - Niki

Gaining Power Over Trigeminal Neuralgia

Niki's Incredible Journey to Recovery


Niki spent 17 years of her life suffering from debilitating Trigeminal Neuralgia and other chronic pain conditions. Any touch to her face would have her crying in debilitating pain. She tried every treatment possible.

In the summer of 2018, Niki found the Curable app and began retraining her brain through the mindbody connection. She now spends her days meditating, dancing, practicing yoga, caring for her horses, and doing whatever her heart desires!

Watch Niki's amazing story of recovery below!

Ready to Change Your Life?

Let's Begin


Trigeminal Neuralgia Sufferers Use Curable to Reduce Symptoms & Improve Life 📈

"This app has been a game changer for my chronic migraines. I had tried chiropractor, acupuncture, organic diet, elimination diet, physical therapy, supplements, yoga, meditation and a lot more. I cannot thank you enough!"

- Rupa, Years of Migraine

How Can Curable Help With Your Healing Journey?

The Curable program delivers evidence-based methods for chronic pain self care. It guides users through easy-to-understand pain science education, and hundreds of exercises designed to break the cycle of pain. With Curable, chronic pain sufferers can self-manage their symptoms safely, effectively, and inexpensively.

The program is based on a "biopsychosocial" approach to chronic pain relief. We built our program on the same principles and techniques that have shown significant results across clinical studies. These methods are used by leading physicians, specialists, and psychologists at institutions like Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Northwestern, and NYU - many of whom helped us to build the Curable program.

How it Works

When pain persists, becoming “chronic,” it also becomes more complex. Modern pain research shows that psychological and emotional elements can play a major role. These non-physical components can help the brain “learn” to be in pain, re-wiring the body’s neural circuitry to perpetuate the sensation of pain.

With proper therapeutic attention the brain can "unlearn" pain, paving the way to physical pain relief. Research shows that methods like education, writing, meditation, visualization, and cognitive behavioral therapy can successfully help the brain to stop this recurring pain cycle.

Learn more about how the Curable program utilizes this research. Try it free by signing up here or by downloading the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

What You'll Find In The Curable App:

Science-Backed Tools

for modifying unconscious responses to physical pain and fear

Pain Science Lessons

to help you digest the latest research in an actionable way

SOS Flare-Up Tools

to disarm your amygdala's danger response system quickly

Pain-Specific Stress Relief Tools

designed to reduce the impact of stress on your pain symptoms

Expressive Writing Exercises

to help you navigate the difficulties of dealing with pain, challenging relationships, and more

Ready to Change Your Life?

Let's Begin

More Resources

Defogging My Life: Fiona’s Journey With Chronic Fatigue/ ME

Fiona has spent the last 25 years of her life battling serious health issues. The most disabling of those issues for her has been ME, or chronic fatigue syndrome. After years of suffering, Fiona has found a way to work with her body that is drastically changing her health.
Listen to the Full Story

What a Pain in the Brain!

"What does it matter what we think?" That's the question Dr. Tor Wager has spent years in the research lab trying to answer. Listen as he breaks down the placebo effect, explains the neuroscience of chronic pain, and shares stories of just how powerful the mindbody connection is.
Listen to the Interview
Curable app version 4

Ready for Your Healing Journey? Start for Free!

Curable app version 4

The program includes:

  • Pain Science Education
  • Guided Meditations
  • Writing & Brain Training Exercises
Try Curable Free Subscribe Now