Stuck in a Spin-Cycle
of Pain and Depression?

This 6-week program is designed to help you better understand your symptoms & mood.

Is Your Brain Telling You...

  • That it's impossible for you to be happy because of your physical pain?
  • That you can't do anything that would make you happy because your pain gets in the way too much?
  • That if only you could eliminate the pain, you wouldn't feel so depressed?
  • That your symptoms and your mood will probably never improve?
  • That some people just aren't meant to find happiness?
  • That you've tried all the treatments for depression and pain, but you've failed, and are doomed to keep failing?

If any of this sounds familiar, you are not alone. The state of mind you are in is a normal human response to what you're experiencing...

The problem is that even though these thoughts FEEL true, they are not always scientifically accurate.

Did You Know...

...that the brain circuitry involved in perpetuating chronic pain shares many similarities with the brain circuitry involved in perpetuating depression? More importantly, did you know this brain circuitry is not necessarily permanent?

A better understanding of the science can lead to...

Quick Tip:

Want to be as happy as you possibly can? Instead of trying to change your circumstances, try changing your daily habits. Not only do you have more control, you'll also make a bigger impact on your overall happiness levels. Boosting your physical activity and spending more time with loved ones are two easy ways to start.

Learn and Apply Practical, Science-Backed Strategies

Disarming Your Danger System

Empower yourself by understanding what’s happening in your brain.

Learn to override your brain’s natural biases toward depression and pain.

Cultivate positive emotions to boost your mental and physical health.

Tap into your natural pharmacy by giving your body a physiological jumpstart.

Achieve goals easily with science-backed strategies designed for depression.

Forget what you think you know about happiness and learn what the research really says.

Make small changes that will set you up for success every single day.

Redirect time and energy to things that will actually make you happier.

Step into your happiest self and appreciate how far you’ve come.

Get Professional Guidance from a Top MD

Weekly video messages from Howard Schubiner, MD, will keep you confident that you're on the right track. Dr. Schubiner is one of the most respected thought leaders in treating chronic pain and mental health today.

Tap below to see a free preview:

The Full Breakdown

This breakthrough bootcamp takes place online. It can be started any day that you choose, and does NOT have to begin on a specific date or the date of purchase. Your access will remain open for an entire year, so don't worry if you need to take a break or if you get a little bit behind!

14 Mini Workshops

Including: "5 Ways Your Brain Is Lying To You," "9 Habits For Happiness," "The Social Comparison Trap," and more.

Weekly Video Guidance from Howard Schubiner, MD

Feel confident moving through your journey with advice and tips from legendary chronic pain physician Howard Schubiner, MD.

Science-Backed Exercises for Recovery

Your course assignments are specifically designed to provide you big boosts in mood in exchange for a relatively small daily time commitment.

Printable 6-Week Course Workbook

Weekly workbooks include expertly crafted exercises like "Fighting Your Negative Attention Bias," and "Letting Go of 'I'll Be Happy When'," and more.

Built-In Peer Support

Each week includes public discussion prompts that allow you to share your own journey and connect with peers who are traveling the same path.

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